破案了!奥运裁判是这么选出来的! 您所在的位置:网站首页 commit oneself to 破案了!奥运裁判是这么选出来的!


#破案了!奥运裁判是这么选出来的!| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



然而,此次奥运会也有令人期待的一面。我国跳水皇后郭晶晶重返赛场,作为国际泳联跳水技术委员会委员惊喜亮相日本东京奥运会为国出征。郭晶晶此次奥运之旅携手裁判陈若琳亮相的主要任务是监督裁判是否公正 。


How are Olympic judges chosen – and how do we know they’re fair?



Athletesfrom 206 countries have congregated (聚集) in Tokyo to compete in dozens of sports, many of them judged by panels of experts. With judges from around the world — some watching athletes from their own countries — how does the Olympics ensure impartialityin a subjectively (主观地) judged sport?


athleten 运动员

a panel of experts专家组

ensurev [学术词] 保证;担保;确保

impartialityn 公正性 [impartial 公正的 + -ity 名词后缀]

The International Olympic Committee, known as the IOC, and the International Sports Federationschoose judges. Each sport has its own international federation, which supervisessports at the globallevel.


federationn [学术词] (俱乐部、工会等的)联合会

supervisev 监督;管理;指导 [super- 在上 + vis看]

globaladj[学术词] 全球的;全世界的

FIFA — or Fédération Internationale de Football Association — is the well-known federation that overseessoccer, or football, worldwide. Gymnastics (体操) is overseen by the International Gymnastics Federation, or IGF.


overseev 监督;监视 [over- + see]

These federations are not affiliated withany one country or government and are involved inthe organizing of the Olympic Games. They establishtheschedulefor their sport, the requirements for qualifying, the number of competitors from each country and the number of international technical officials, such as referees (裁判), judges, timekeepers (计时员), inspectorsor juries of appeal.


affiliate sb / sth with / to 使某人 / 某物隶属于 ......

affiliate 及其派生词常表示一个小机构对一个大机构的从属关系,如a hospital affiliated to / with the medical college (医学院附属医院),an affiliated company (分公司)。

affiliate 一词源自拉丁文 affiliare ( ad- ‘to’ + filius ‘son’),原义为 to adopt as a son (收为养子),现多用于喻义,表示“使附属于”,“接纳为......成员(或分支机构)”。

be / get involved in参与;卷入;与……有关联

establishv [学术词] 建立;设立

schedulen[学术词] 日程安排;工作计划

inspectorn [学术词] 检查员;视察员;巡视员

The federations nominate (提名) these officials for their sports and the IOC then approvesor rejects their recommendations.


approve / reject a recommendation 批准 / 拒绝一项建议

Some Olympic sports, like track, are not subjective. The fastest is the fastest. But for more subjective sports like gymnastics, multiplejudges sit onpanels and rules try and ensure their impartiality.


multiple adj数量多的;多种多样的

sit on担任……的委员

For Olympic gymnastics, two judges sit on the D Panel, which judges difficulty. Five judges sit on the E Panel, which judges execution. So, no one judge is judging a gymnast’s performance across the board.


executionn 实行;执行;实施

across the board 全面地;整体地

The highest and lowest execution scores are droppedand the three remaining scores are averaged, as a way to weed outany scores that may be high or low because of a judge’s bias. A Reference panel corrects any problems with the execution scores.


dropv [熟词生义] 省略;不予考虑;遗漏

averagev [名词动化] 计算出……的平均数

weed out除去 / 淘汰(不合格的人或物)

biasn [学术词] 偏心;偏见;偏向

For diving (跳水运动), judges are chosen by Fédération Internationale De Natation, or FINA, the international federation that oversees water sports. Similarly to gymnastics, seven judges submittheir scores for a dive, and then the top two and bottom two scores are eliminated.


submitv [学术词] 提交;呈送;呈递

eliminatev[学术词] 清除;消除;排除

The three remaining scores are added upand multipliedby the degree of difficulty, or DD rating, which measures the difficulty for each type of dive.


add ... up把……加起来

multiplyv 乘;乘以

ratingn 等级;级别

Each sport has its own process of choosing Olympic judges.


All judges, coaches and athletes must also agree to the Olympic oath, which is read during the opening ceremony, according to the IOC. The oath is about respecting the rules of the game and has been adapted over time toinclude things like doping (兴奋剂).


oathn 誓言;宣誓

the opening ceremony开幕式

adaptv 修改

over time渐渐地;慢慢地

“Together we stand in solidarityand commit ourselves tosport without doping, without cheating, without any form of discrimination,” the oath reads.


solidarityn 团结;相互支持

commit oneself to致力于某事

discriminationn [学术词] 歧视;偏袒;区别对待

While there are measuresin placeto try and ensure impartiality, judges have been unfair before — and suffered the consequences. During the Rio Olympics in 2016, the International Boxing Association (国际拳击协会) sent home an unspecified number of referees and judges.


in place准备就绪

suffer the consequence面对后果

unspecifiedadj [学术词] 不明确的;未说明的

The association said a review found that “less thana handful ofthe decisions were not at the level expected,” according to CBS Sports.


a handful of少数……

The review came after Irish boxer Michael Conlan thought he defeated Russia’s Vladimir Nikitin, but the officials’ decision went 3-0 against him. Conlan accusedthe Amateur International Boxing Association of being bribed tomake the decision.


accusev 控告;控诉;谴责

bribe sb to do sth贿赂某人做某事

词源故事:bribe - 直接借自古法语,在14世纪法语中原指“(施与乞丐的)面包片”。当bribe进入英语时,它最初表示“偷窃”或“勒索”。到了16世纪这些词义逐渐被废弃,转用于今天仍在使用的词义“贿赂;行贿”。

During the 2000 Winter Games in Salt Lake City, judges were bribed to score figure skaters from Russia and France higher. Russian skating pair Elena Berezhnaya and Anton Sikharulidze won the gold medal — even thoughthey slipped and the Canadian team was virtually flawless.


even though / if尽管;即使

virtuallyadv [学术词] 几乎;事实上;实际上

flawless adj完美的;无瑕的

French judge Marie-Reine Le Gougne admitted the next day that she had been pressured to vote forthe Russians.


pressure sb to do sth 强迫某人做某事

vote for投……的票

Following the scandal, the International Skating Union changed its judging selection rules. Now, there is a large group of judges used and a smaller group of "scoring judges" is thenanonymouslychosen from that pool. Their scores are the ones then counted.


scandaln 丑行;丑闻

anonymouslyadv 匿名地

pooln [熟词生义] 可用的人员;备用人员




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